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I AM going to speak to-day about general propositions 
and existence. The two subjects really belong to- 
gether; they are the same topic, although it might not have 
seemed so at the first glance. The propositions and facts 
that I have been talking about hitherto have all been such 
as involved only perfectly definite particulars, or relations, 
or qualities, or things of that sort, never involved the sort 
of indefinite things one alludes to by such words as "all," 
"some," "a," "any," and it is propositions and facts of that 
sort that I am coming on to to-day. 

Really all the propositions of the sort that I mean to 
talk of to-day collect themselves into two groups — the first 
that are about "all," and the second that are about "some." 
These two sorts belong together; they are each other's 
negations. If you say, for instance, "All men are mortal," 
that is the negative of "Some men are not mortal." In 
regard to general propositions, the distinction of affirma- 
tive and negative is arbitrary. Whether you are going to 
regard the propositions about "all" as the affirmative ones 
and the propositions about "some" as the negative ones, 
or vice versa, is purely a matter of taste. For example, 
if I say "I met no one as I came along," that, on the face 
of it, you would think is a negative proposition. Of course, 
that is really a proposition about "all," i. e., "All men are 
among those whom I did not meet." If, on the other hand, 
I say "I met a man as I came along," that would strike you 


as affirmative, whereas it is the negative of "All men are 
among those I did not meet as I came along." If you con- 
sider such propositions as "All men are mortal" and "Some 
men are not mortal," you might say it was more natural 
to take the general propositions as the affirmative and the 
existence-propositions as the negative, but, simply because 
it is quite arbitrary which one is to choose, it is better to for- 
get these words and to speak only of general propositions 
and propositions asserting existence. All general propo- 
sitions deny the existence of something or other. If you 
say "All men are mortal," that denies the existence of an 
immortal man, and so on. 

I want to say emphatically that general propositions 
are to be interpreted as not involving existence. When 
I say, for instance, "All Greeks are men," I do not want 
you to suppose that that implies that there are Greeks. It 
is to be considered emphatically as not implying that. That 
would have to be added as a separate proposition. If you 
want to interpret it in that sense, you will have to add the 
further statement "and there are Greeks." That is for 
purposes of practical convenience. If you include the fact 
that there are Greeks, you are rolling two propositions into 
one, and it causes unnecessary confusion in your logic, be- 
cause the sorts of propositions that you want are those 
that do assert the existence of something and general 
propositions which do not assert existence. If it happened 
that there were no Greeks, both the proposition that "All 
Greeks are men" and the proposition that "No Greeks 
are men" would be true. The proposition "No Greeks are 
men" is, of course, the proposition "All Greeks are not- 
men." Both propositions will be true simultaneously if it 
happens that there are no Greeks. All statements about 
all the members of a class that has no members are true, 
because the contradictory of any general statement does 
assert existence and is therefore false in this case. This 


notion, of course, of general propositions not involving 
existence is ope which is not in the traditional doctrine of 
the syllogism. In the traditional doctrine of the syllogism, 
it was assumed that when you have such a statement as 
"All Greeks are men," that implies that there are Greeks, 
and this produced fallacies. For instance, "All chimeras 
are animals, and all chimeras breathe flame, therefore some 
animals breathe flame." This is a syllogism in Darapti, 
but that mood of the syllogism is fallacious, as this instance 
shows. That was a point, by the way, which had a certain 
historical interest, because it impeded Leibniz in his at- 
tempts to construct a mathematical logic. He was always 
engaged in trying to construct such a mathematical logic 
as we have now, or rather such a one as Boole constructed, 
and he was always failing because of his respect for Aris- 
totle. Whenever he invented a really good system, as he 
did several times, it always brought out that such moods 
as Darapti are fallacious. If you say "All A is B and all 
A is C, therefore some B is C" — if you say this you incur 
a fallacy, but he could not bring himself to believe that it 
was fallacious, so he began again. That shows you that 
you should not have too much respect for distinguished 
men. 1 

Now when you come to ask what really is asserted in 
a general proposition, such as "All Greeks are men" for 
instance, you find that what is asserted is the truth of all 
values of what I call a propositional function. A propo- 
sitional function is simply any expression containing an 
undetermined constituent, or several undetermined con- 
stituents, and becoming a proposition as soon as the un- 
determined constituents are determined. If I say "x is a 
man" or "n is a number," that is a propositional function ; 
so is any formula of algebra, say (x + y) (x — y) = 
X s — y 2 . A propositional function is nothing, but, like most 

1 Cf. Couturat, La logique de Leibniz. 


of the things one wants to talk about in logic, it does not 
lose its importance through that fact. The only thing 
really that you can do with a propositional function is to 
assert either that it is always true, or that it is sometimes 
true, or that it is never true. If you take : 

"If x is a man, x is mortal," 
that is always true (just as much when x is not a man as 
when x is a man) ; if you take : 

"x is a man," 
that is sometimes true; if you take: 

"x is a unicorn," 
that is never true. 

One may call a propositional function 

necessary, when it is always true; 

possible, when it is sometimes true; 

impossible, when it is never true. 
Much false philosophy has arisen out of confusing 
propositional functions and propositions. There is a great 
deal in ordinary traditional philosophy which consists 
simply in attributing to propositions the predicates which 
only apply to propositional functions, and, still worse, some- 
times in attributing to individuals predicates which merely 
apply to propositional functions. This case of necessary, 
possible, impossible, is a case in point. In all traditional 
philosophy there comes a heading of "modality," which 
discusses necessary, possible, and impossible as properties 
of propositions, whereas in fact they are properties of 
propositional functions. Propositions are only true or 

If you take "x is x," that is a propositional function 
which is true whatever "x" may be, i. e., a necessary 
propositional function. If you take "x is a man," that is 
a possible one. If you take "x is a unicorn," that is an 
impossible one. 


Propositions can only be true or false, but propositional 
functions have these three possibilities. It is important, 
I think, to realize that the whole doctrine of modality only 
applies to propositional functions, not to propositions. 

Propositional functions are involved in ordinary lan- 
guage in a great many cases where one does not usually 
realize them. In such a statement as "I met a man," you 
can understand my statement perfectly well without know- 
ing whom I met, and the actual person is not a constituent 
of the proposition. You are really asserting there that a 
certain propositional function is sometimes true, namely 
the propositional function "I met x and x is human." There 
is at least one value of x for which that is true, and that 
therefore is a possible propositional function. Whenever 
you get such words as "a," "some," "all," "every," it is 
always a mark of the presence of a propositional function, 
so that these things are not, so to speak, remote or recon- 
dite: they are obvious and familiar. 

A propositional function comes in again in such a state- 
ment as "Socrates is mortal," because "to be mortal" means 
"to die at some time or other." You mean there is a time 
at which Socrates dies, and that again involves a propo- 
sitional function, namely, that "t is a time, and Socrates 
dies at t" is possible. If you say "Socrates is immortal," 
that also will involve a propositional function. That means 
that "If t is any time whatever, Socrates is alive at time t," 
if we take immortality as involving existence throughout 
the whole of the past as well as throughout the whole of 
the future. But if we take immortality as only involving 
existence throughout the whole of the future, the inter- 
pretation of "Socrates is immortal" becomes more com- 
plete, viz., "There is a time t, such that if f is any time 
later than t, Socrates is alive at f." Thus when you come 
to write out properly what one means by a great many 
ordinary statements, it turns out a little complicated. "Soc- 


rates is mortal" and "Socrates is immortal" are not each 
other's contradictories, because they both imply that Soc- 
rates exists in time, otherwise he would not be either 
mortal or immortal. One says, "There is a time at which 
he dies," and the other says, "Whatever time you take, he 
is alive at that time," whereas the contradictory of "Soc- 
rates is mortal" would be true if there is not a time at 
which he lives. 

An undetermined constituent in a propositional func- 
tion is called a variable. 

Existence. When you take any propositional function 
and assert of it that it is possible, that it is sometimes true, 
that gives you the fundamental meaning of "existence." 
You may express it by saying that there is at least one 
value of x for which that propositional function is true. 
Take "x is a man," there is at least one value of x for 
which this is true. That is what one means by saying that 
"There are men," or that "Men exist." Existence is essen- 
tially a property of a propositional function. It means 
that that propositional function is true in at least one 
instance. If you say "There are unicorns," that will mean 
that "There is an x, such that x is a unicorn." That is 
written in phrasing which is unduly approximated to ordi- 
nary language, but the proper way to put it would be "(x 
is a unicorn) is possible." We have got to have some idea 
that we do not define, and one takes the idea of "always 
true," or of "sometimes true," as one's undefined idea in 
this matter, and then you can define the other one as the 
negative of that. In some ways it is better to take them 
both as undefined, for reasons which I shall not go into at 
present. It will be out of this notion of sometimes, which 
is the same as the notion of possible, that we get the 
notion of existence. To say that unicorns exist is simply 
to say that "(x is a unicorn) is possible." 

It is perfectly clear that when you say "Unicorns exist," 


you are not saying anything that would apply to any uni- 
corns there might happen to be, because as a matter of 
fact there are not any, and therefore if what you say had 
any application to the actual individuals, it could not pos- 
sibly be significant unless it were true. You can consider 
the proposition "Unicorns exist" and can see that it is 
false. It is not nonsense. Of course, if the proposition 
went through the general conception of the unicorn to the 
individual, it could not be even significant unless there 
were unicorns. Therefore when you say "Unicorns exist," 
you are not saying anything about any individual things, 
and the same applies when you say "Men exist." If you 
say that "Men exist, and Socrates is a man, therefore 
Socrates exists," that is exactly the same sort of fallacy 
as it would be if you said "Men are numerous, Socrates 
is a man, therefore Socrates is numerous," because exist- 
ence is a predicate of a propositional function, or deriva- 
tively of a class. When you say of a propositional func- 
tion that it is numerous, you will mean that there are 
several values of x that will satisfy it, that there are more 
than one ; or, if you like to take "numerous" in a larger 
sense, more than ten, more than twenty, or whatever num- 
ber you think fitting. If x, y, and z all satisfy a propo- 
sitional function, you may say that that proposition is 
numerous, but x, y, and z severally are not numerous. 
Exactly the same applies to existence, that is to say that 
the actual things that there are in the world do not exist, 
or, at least, that is putting it too strongly, because that is 
utter nonsense. To say that they do not exist is strictly 
nonsense, but to say that they do exist is also strictly non- 

It is of propositional functions that you can assert or 
deny existence. You must not run away with the idea 
that this entails consequences that it does not entail. If 
I say "The things that there are in the world exist," that 


is a perfectly correct statement, because I am there saying 
something about a certain class of things; I say it in the 
same sense in which I say "Men exist." But I must not 
go on to "This is a thing in the world, and therefore this 
exists." It is there the fallacy comes in, and it is simply, 
as you see, a fallacy of transferring to the individual that 
satisfies a propositional function a predicate which only 
applies to a propositional function. You can see this in 
A'arious ways. For instance, you sometimes know the 
truth of an existence-proposition without knowing any 
instance of it. You know that there are people in Tim- 
buctoo, but I doubt if any of you could give me an instance 
of one. Therefore you clearly can know existence-propo- 
sitions without knowing any individual that makes them 
true. Existence-propositions do not say anything about 
the actual individual but only about the class or function. 

It is exceedingly difficult to make this point clear as 
long as one adheres to ordinary language, because ordinary 
language is rooted in a certain feeling about logic, a cer- 
tain feeling that our primeval ancestors had, and as long 
as you keep to ordinary language you find it very difficult 
to get away from the bias which is imposed upon you by 
language. When I say, e. g., "There is an x such that x 
is a man," that is not the sort of phrase one would like 
to use. "There is an x" is meaningless. What is "an x" 
anyhow? There is not such a thing. The only way you 
can really state it correctly is by inventing a new language 
ad hoc, and making the statement apply straight off to 
"x is a man," as when one says "(x is a man) is possible," 
or invent a special symbol for the statement that "x is a 
man" is sometimes true. 

I have dwelt on this point because it really is of very 
fundamental importance. I shall come back to existence 
in my next lecture: existence as it applies to descriptions, 
which is a slightly more complicated case than I am dis- 


cussing here. I think an almost unbelievable amount of 
false philosophy has arisen through not realizing what 
"existence" means. 

As I was saying a moment ago, a propositional func- 
tion in itself is nothing: it is merely a schema. Therefore 
in the inventory of the world, which is what I am trying 
to get at, one comes to the question, What is there really 
in the world that corresponds with these things ? Of course, 
it is clear that we have general propositions, in the same 
sense in which we have atomic propositions. For the 
moment I will include existence-propositions with general 
propositions. We have such propositions as "All men are 
mortal" and "Some men are Greeks." But you have not 
only such propositions ; you have also such facts, and that, 
of course, is where you get back to the inventory of the 
world: that, in addition to particular facts, which I have 
been talking about in previous lectures, there are also gen- 
eral facts and existence-facts, that is to say, there are not 
merely propositions of that sort but also facts of that sort. 
That is rather an important point to realize. You cannot 
ever arrive at a general fact by inference from particular 
facts, however numerous. The old plan of complete induc- 
tion, which used to occur in books, which was always 
supposed to be quite safe and easy as opposed to ordinary 
induction, that plan of complete induction, unless it is ac- 
companied by at least one general proposition, will not yield 
you the result that you want. Suppose, for example, that 
you wish to prove in that way that "All men are mortal," 
you are supposed to proceed by complete induction, and 
say "A is a man that is mortal," "B is a man that is mortal," 
"C is a man that is mortal," and so on until you finish. 
You will not be able, in that way, to arrive at the propo- 
sition "All men are mortal" unless you know when you have 
finished. That is to say that, in order to arrive by this 
road at the general proposition "All men are mortal," you 


must already have the general proposition "All men are 
among those I have enumerated." You never can arrive 
at a general proposition by inference from particular prop- 
ositions alone. You will always have to have at least one 
general proposition in your premises. That illustrates, I 
think, various points. One, which is epistemological, is 
that if there is, as there seems to be, knowledge of general 
propositions, then there must be primitive knowledge of 
general propositions (I mean by that, knowledge of general 
propositions which is not obtained by inference), because 
if you can never infer a general proposition except from 
premises of which one at least is general, it is clear that 
you can never have knowledge of such propositions by in- 
ference unless there is knowledge of some general propo- 
sitions which is not by inference. I think that the sort of 
way such knowledge — or rather the belief that we have 
such knowledge — comes into ordinary life is probably very 
odd. I mean to say that we do habitually assume general 
propositions which are exceedingly doubtful; as, for in- 
stance, one might, if one were counting up the people in 
this room, assume that one could see all of them, which is 
a general proposition, and very doubtful as there may be 
people under the tables. But, apart from that sort of thing, 
you do have in any empirical verification of general propo- 
sitions some kind of assumption that amounts to this, that 
what you do not see is not there. Of course, you would 
not put it so strongly as that, but you would assume that, 
with certain limitations and certain qualifications, if a thing 
does not appear to your senses, it is not there. That is 
a general proposition, and it is only through such propo- 
sitions that you arrive at the ordinary empirical results 
that one obtains in ordinary ways. If you take a census 
of the country, for instance, you assume that the people 
you do not see are not there, provided you search properly 
and carefully, otherwise your census might be wrong. It 


is some assumption of that sort which would underlie what 
seems purely empirical. You could not prove empirically 
that what you do not perceive is not there, because an 
empirical proof would consist in perceiving, and by hypoth- 
esis you do not perceive it, so that any proposition of that 
sort, if it is accepted, has to be accepted on its own evidence. 
I only take that as an illustration. There are many other 
illustrations one could take of the sort of propositions that 
are commonly assumed, many of them with very little justi- 

I come now to a question which concerns logic more 
nearly, namely, the reasons for supposing that there are 
general facts as well as general propositions. When we 
were discussing molecular propositions I threw doubt upon 
the supposition that there are molecular facts, but I do 
not think one can doubt that there are general facts. It 
is perfectly clear, I think, that when you have enumerated 
all the atomic facts in the world, it is a further fact about 
the world that those are all the atomic facts there are 
about the world, and that is just as much an objective fact 
about the world as any of them are. It is clear, I think, 
that you must admit general facts as distinct from and 
over and above particular facts. The same thing applies 
to "AH men are mortal." When you have taken all the 
particular men that there are, and found each one of them 
severally to be mortal, it is definitely a new fact that all 
men are mortal; how new a fact, appears from what I 
said a moment ago, that it could not be inferred from 
the mortality of the several men that there are in the 
world. Of course, it is not so difficult to admit what I 
might call existence-facts — such facts as "There are men," 
"There are sheep," and so on. Those, I think, you will 
readily admit as separate and distinct facts over and above 
the atomic facts I spoke of before. Those facts have got 
to come into the inventory of the world, and in that way 


propositional functions come in as involved in the study 
of general facts. I do not profess to know what the right 
analysis of general facts is. It is an exceedingly difficult 
question, and one which I should very much like to see 
studied. I am sure that, although the convenient technical 
treatment is by means of propositional functions, that is 
not the whole of the right analysis. Beyond that I can- 
not go. 

There is one point about whether there are molecular 
facts. I think I mentioned, when I was saying that I did 
not think there were disjunctive facts, that a certain diffi- 
culty does arise in regard to general facts. Take "All men 
are mortal." That means : 

" 'x is a man' implies 
'x is a mortal' whatever 
x may be." 

You can see at once that it is a hypothetical proposition. 
It does not imply that there are any men, nor who are 
men, and who are not; it simply says that if you have any- 
thing which is a man, that thing is mortal. As Mr. Bradley 
has pointed out in the second chapter of his Principles of 
Logic, "Trespassers will be prosecuted" may be true even 
if no one trespasses, since it means merely that, if any one 
trespasses, he will be prosecuted. It comes down to this 

" 'x is a man' implies 'x is a mortal' 
is always true," 

is a fact. It is perhaps a little difficult to see how that can 
be true if one is going to say that "'Socrates is a man' 
implies 'Socrates is a mortal' " is not itself a fact, which 
is what I suggested when I was discussing disjunctive 
facts. I do not feel sure that you could not get round that 
difficulty. I only suggest it as a point which should be 
considered when one is denying that there are molecular 


facts, since, if it cannot be got round, we shall have to 
admit molecular facts. 

Now I want to come to the subject of completely general 
propositions and propositional functions. By those I mean 
propositions and propositional functions that contain only 
variables and nothing else at all. This covers the whole 
of logic. Every logical proposition consists wholly and 
solely of variables, though it is not true that every propo- 
sition consisting wholly and solely of variables is logical. 
You can consider stages of generalizations as, e. g., 

"Socrates loves Plato" 
"x loves Plato" 
"x loves y" 
"x R y." 

There you have been going through a process of successive 
generalization. When you have got to xRy, you have got 
a schema consisting only of variables, containing no con- 
stants at all, the pure schema of dual relations, and it is 
clear that any proposition which expresses a dual relation 
can be derived from ^rRy by assigning values to x and R 
and y. So that that is, as you might say, the pure form of 
all those propositions. I mean by the form of a proposition 
that which you get when for every single one of its con- 
stituents you substitute a variable. If you want a different 
definition of the form of a proposition, you might be in- 
clined to define it as the class of all those propositions that 
you can obtain from a given one by substituting other 
constituents for one or more of the constituents the propo- 
sition contains. E. g., in "Socrates loves Plato," you can 
substitute somebody else for Socrates, somebody else for 
Plato, and some other verb for "loves." In that way there 
are a certain number of propositions which you can derive 
from the proposition "Socrates loves Plato," by replacing 
the constituents of that proposition by other constituents, 


so that you have there a certain class of propositions, and 
those propositions all have a certain form, and one can, if 
one likes, say that the form they all have is the class con- 
sisting of all of them. That is rather a provisional defini- 
tion, because as a matter of fact, the idea of form is more 
fundamental than the idea of class. I should not suggest 
that as a really good definition, but it will do provisionally 
to explain the sort of thing one means by the form of a 
proposition. The form of a proposition is that which is 
in common between any two propositions of which the one 
can be obtained from the other by substituting other con- 
stituents for the original ones. When you have got down 
to those formulas that contain only variables, like xRy, you 
are on the way to the sort of thing that you can assert in 

To give an illustration, you know what I mean by the 
domain of a relation : I mean all the terms that have that 
relation to something. Suppose I say: "xRy implies that 
x belongs to the domain of R," that would be a proposition 
of logic and is one that contains only variables. You might 
think it contains such words as "belong" and "domain," 
but that is an error. It is only the habit of using ordinary 
language that makes those words appear. They are not 
really there. That is a proposition of pure logic. It does 
not mention any particular thing at all. This is to be 
understood as being asserted whatever x and R and y 
may be. All the statements of logic are of that sort. 

It is not a very easy thing to see what are the con- 
stituents of a logical proposition. When one takes "Soc- 
rates loves Plato," "Socrates" is a constituent, "loves" is 
a constituent, and "Plato" is a constituent. Then you 
turn "Socrates" into x, "loves" into R, and "Plato" into y. 
x and R and y are nothing, and they are not constituents, 
so it seems as though all the propositions of logic were 
entirely devoid of constituents. I do not think that can 


quite be true. But then the only other thing you can seem 
to say is that the form is a constituent, that propositions 
of a certain form are always true: that may be the right 
analysis, though I very much doubt whether it is. 

There is, however, just this to observe, viz., that the 
form of a proposition is never a constituent of that propo- 
sition itself. If you assert that "Socrates loves Plato," 
the form of that proposition is the form of the dual rela- 
tion, but this is not a constituent of the proposition. If it 
were you would have to have that constituent related to the 
other constituents. You will make the form much too 
substantial if you think of it as really one of the things that 
have that form, so that the form of a proposition is cer- 
tainly not a constituent of the proposition itself. Never- 
theless it may possibly be a constituent of general state- 
ments about propositions that have that form, so I think 
it is possible that logical propositions might be interpreted 
as being about forms. 

I can only say, in conclusion, as regards the constituents 
of logical propositions, that it is a problem which is rather 
new. There has not been much opportunity to consider it. 
I do not think any literature exists at all which deals with 
it in any way whatever, and it is an interesting problem. 

I just want now to give you a few illustrations of propo- 
sitions which can be expressed in the language of pure 
variables but are not propositions of logic. Among the 
propositions that are propositions of logic are included all 
the propositions of pure mathematics, all of which cannot 
only be expressed in logical terms but can also be deduced 
from the premises of logic, and therefore they are logical 
propositions. Apart from them there are many that can be 
expressed in logical terms, but cannot be proved from logic, 
and are certainly not propositions that form part of logic. 
Suppose you take such a proposition as : "There is at least 
one thing in the world." That is a proposition that you 


can express in logical terms. It will mean, if you like, 
that the propositional function "x =■ x" is a possible one. 
That is a proposition, therefore, that you can express in 
logical terms ; but you cannot know from logic whether it 
is true or false. So far as you do know it, you know it 
empirically, because there might happen not to be a uni- 
verse, and then it would not be true. It is merely an acci- 
dent, so to speak, that there is a universe. The proposition 
that there are exactly 30,000 things in the world can also 
be expressed in purely logical terms, and is certainly not 
a proposition of logic but an empirical proposition (true 
or false), because a world containing more than 30,000 
things and a world containing fewer than 30,000 things 
are both possible, so that if it happens that there are exactly 
30,000 things, that is what one might call an accident and 
is not a proposition of logic. There are again two propo- 
sitions that one is used to in mathematical logic, namely, 
the multiplicative axiom and the axiom of infinity. These 
also can be expressed in logical terms, but cannot be proved 
or disproved by logic. In regard to the axiom of infinity, 
the impossibility of logical proof or disproof may be taken 
as certain, but in the case of the multiplicative axiom, it 
is perhaps still open to some degree to doubt. Everything 
that is a proposition of logic has got to be in some sense 
or other like a tautology. It has got to be something that 
has some peculiar quality, which I do not know how to 
define, that belongs to logical propositions and not to others. 
Examples of typical logical propositions are: 

"If p implies q and q implies r, then 
p implies r." 

"If all a's are b's and all &'s are c's, 
then all a's are c's. 

"If all a's are b's, and x is an a, then 
x is a &." 


Those are propositions of logic. They have a certain 
peculiar quality which marks them out from other propo- 
sitions and enables us to know them a priori. But what 
exactly that characteristic is, I am not able to tell you. 
Although it is a necessary characteristic of logical propo- 
sitions that they should consist solely of variables, i. e., 
that they should assert the universal truth, or the some- 
times-truth, of a propositional function consisting wholly 
of variables — although that is a necessary characteristic, 
it is not a sufficient one. 

I am sorry that I have had to leave so many problems 
unsolved. I always have to make this apology, but the 
world really is rather puzzling and I cannot help it. 


Is there any word you would substitute for "existence" 

which would give existence to individuals ? Are you applying 
the word "existence" to two ideas, or do you deny that there 
are two ideas? 

Mr. Russell: No, there is not an idea that will apply to individuals. 
As regards the actual things there are in the world, there is 
nothing at all you can say about them that in any way cor- 
responds to this notion of existence. It is a sheer mistake to 
say that there is anything analogous to existence that you 
can say about them. You get into confusion through lan- 
guage, because it is a perfectly correct thing to say "All the 
things in the world exist," and it is so easy to pass from 
this to "This exists because it is a thing in the world." There 
is no sort of point in a predicate which could not conceivably 
be false. I mean, it is perfectly clear that, if there were such 
a thing as this existence of individuals that we talk of, it 
would be absolutely impossible for it not to apply, and that 
is the characteristic of a mistake. 


I am proposing to deal this time with the subject of 
descriptions, and what I call "incomplete symbols," and 


the existence of described individuals. You will remember 
that last time I dealt with the existence of kinds of things, 
what you mean by saying "There are men" or "There are 
Greeks" or phrases of that sort, where you have an exist- 
ence which may be plural. I am going to deal to-day with 
an existence which is asserted to be singular, such as "The 
man with the iron mask existed" or some phrase of that 
sort, where you have some object described by the phrase 
"The so-and-so" in the singular, and I want to discuss the 
analysis of propositions in which phrases of that kind 

There are, of course, a great many propositions very 
familiar in metaphysics which are of that sort: "I exist" 
or "God exists" or "Homer existed," and other such state- 
ments are always occurring in metaphysical discussions, 
and are, I think, treated in ordinary metaphysics in a way 
which embodies a simple logical mistake that we shall be 
concerned with to-day, the same sort of mistake that I 
spoke of last week in connection with the existence of kinds 
of things. One way of examining a proposition of that 
sort is to ask yourself what would happen if it were false. 
If you take such a proposition as "Romulus existed," prob- 
ably most of us think that Romulus did not exist. It is 
obviously a perfectly significant statement, whether true 
or false, to say that Romulus existed. If Romulus himself 
entered into our statement, it would be plain that the state- 
ment that he did not exist would be nonsense, because you 
cannot have a constituent of a propositon which is nothing 
at all. Every constituent has got to be there as one of 
the things in the world, and therefore if Romulus himself 
entered into the propositions that he existed or that he did 
not exist, both these propositions could not only not be true, 
but could not be even significant, unless he existed. That 
is obviously not the case, and the first conclusion one draws 
is that, although it looks as if Romulus were a constituent 


of that proposition, that is really a mistake. Romulus does 
not occur in the proposition "Romulus did not exist." 

Suppose you try to make out what you do mean by that 
proposition. You can take, say, all the things that Livy 
has to say about Romulus, all the properties he ascribes 
to him, including the only one probably that most of us 
remember, namely, the fact that he was called "Romulus." 
You can put all this together, and make a propositional 
function saying "x has such-and-such properties," the prop- 
erties being those you find enumerated in Livy. There 
you have a propositional function, and when you say that 
Romulus did not exist you are simply saying that that 
propositional function is never true, that it is impossible 
in the sense I was explaining last time, i. e., that there is 
no value of x that makes it true. That reduces the non- 
existence of Romulus to the sort of non-existence I spoke 
of last time, where we had the non-existence of unicorns. 
But it is not a complete account of this kind of existence 
or non-existence, because there is one other way in which 
a described individual can fail to exist, and that is where 
the description applies to more than one person. You can- 
not, e. g., speak of "The inhabitant of London," not because 
there are none, but because there are so many. 

You see, therefore, that this proposition "Romulus ex- 
isted" or "Romulus did not exist" does introduce a propo- 
sitional function, because the name "Romulus" is not really 
a name but a sort of truncated description. It stands for 
a person who did such-and-such things, who killed Remus, 
and founded Rome, and so on. It is short for that descrip- 
tion ; if you like, it is short for "the person who was called 
'Romulus/ " If it were really a name, the question of 
existence could not arise, because a name has got to name 
something or it is not a name, and if there is no such person 
as Romulus there cannot be a name for that person who 
is not there, so that this single word "Romulus" is really 


a sort of truncated or telescoped description, and if you 
think of it as a name you will get into logical errors. When 
you realize that it is a description, you realize therefore 
that any proposition about Romulus, really introduces the 
propositional function embodying the description, as (Say) 
"x was called 'Romulus.' " That introduces you at once 
to a propositional function, and when you say "Romulus 
did not exist," you mean that this propositional function 
is not true for one value of x. 

There are two sorts of descriptions, what one may call 
"ambiguous descriptions," when we speak of "o so-and-so," 
.and what one may call "definite descriptions," when we 
speak of "the so-and-so" (in the singular). Instances are: 

Ambiguous: A man, a dog, a pig, a Cabinet Minister. 

Definite : The man with the iron mask. 

The last person who came into this room. 
The only Englishman who ever occupied the 

Papal See. 
The number of the inhabitants of London. 
The sum of 43 and 34. 

(It is not necessary for a description that it should describe 
an individual: it may describe a predicate or a relation or 
anything else.) 

It is phrases of that sort, definite descriptions, that I 
want to talk about to-day. I do not want to talk about 
ambiguous descriptions, as what there was to say about 
them was said last time. 

I want you to realize that the question whether a phrase 
is a definite description turns only upon its form, not upon 
the question whether there is a definite individual so de- 
scribed. For instance, I should call "The inhabitant of 
London" a definite description, although it does not in fact 
describe any definite individual. 

The first thing to realize about a definite description 


is that it is not a name. We will take "The author of 
Waverley." That is a definite description, and it is easy 
to see that it is not a name. A name is a simple symbol 
(i. e., a symbol which does not have any parts that are 
symbols), a simple symbol used to designate a certain 
particular or by extension an object which is not a par- 
ticular but is treated for the moment as if it were, or is 
falsely believed to be a particular, such as a person. This 
sort of phrase, "The author of Waverley," is not a name 
because it is a complex symbol. It contains parts which 
are symbols. It contains four words, and the meanings 
of those four words are already fixed and they have fixed 
the meaning of "The author of Waverley" in the only 
sense in which that phrase does have any meaning. In 
that sense, its meaning is already determinate, i. e., there 
is nothing arbitrary or conventional about the meaning 
of that whole phrase, when the meanings of "the," 
"author," "of," and "Waverley" have already been fixed. 
In that respect, it differs from "Scott," because when you 
have fixed the meaning of all the other words in the lan- 
guage, you have done nothing toward fixing the meaning 
of the name "Scott." That is to say, if you understand 
the English language, you would understand the meaning 
of the phrase "The author of Waverley" if you had never 
heard it before, whereas you would not understand the 
meaning of "Scott" if you had never heard the word be- 
fore because to know the meaning of a name is to know 
who it is applied to. 

You sometimes find people speaking as if descriptive 
phrases were names, and you will find it suggested, e. g., 
that such a proposition as "Scott is the author of Waverley" 
really asserts that "Scott" and "the author of Waverley" 
are two names for the same person. That is an entire 
delusion; first of all, because "the author of Waverley" is 
not a name, and, secondly, because, as you can perfectly 


well see, if that were what is meant, the proposition would 
be one like "Scott is Sir Walter," and would not depend 
upon any fact except that the person in question was so 
called, because a name is what a man is called. As a 
matter of fact, Scott was the author of Waverley at a time 
when no one called him so, when no one knew whether he 
was or not, and the fact that he was the author was a 
physical fact, the fact that he sat down and wrote it with 
his own hand, which does not have anything to do with 
what he was called. It is in no way arbitrary. You can- 
not settle by any choice of nomenclature whether he is or 
is not to be the author of Waverley, because in actual fact 
he chose to write it and you cannot help yourself. That 
illustrates how "the author of Waverley" is quite a dif- 
ferent thing from a name. You can prove this point very 
clearly by formal arguments. In "Scott is the author of 
Waverley" the "is," of course, expresses identity, i. e., 
the entity whose name is Scott is identical with the author 
of Waverley. But, when I say "Scott is mortal" this "is" 
is the "is" of predication, which is quite different from the 
"is" of identity. It is a mistake to interpret "Scott is 
mortal" as meaning "Scott is identical with one among 
mortals," because (among other reasons) you will not be 
able to say what "mortals" are except by means of the 
propositional function "x is mortal," which brings back 
the "is" of predication. You cannot reduce the "is" of 
predication to the other "is." But the "is" in "Scott is the 
author of Waverley" is the "is" of identity and not of 
predication. 1 

If you were to try to substitute for "the author of 
Waverley" in that proposition any name whatever, say 
"c" so that the proposition becomes "Scott is c" then if V 
is a name for anybody who is not Scott, that proposition 

* The confusion of these two meanings of "is" is essential to the Hegelian 
conception of identity-in-diflference. 


would become false, while if, on the other hand, "c" is a 
name for Scott, then the proposition will become simply 
a tautology. It is at once obvious that if "c" were "Scott" 
itself, "Scott is Scott" is just a tautology. But if you 
take any other name which is just a name for Scott, then 
if the name is being used as a name and not as a description, 
the proposition will still be a tautology. For the name itself 
is merely a means of pointing to the thing, and does not 
occur in what you are asserting, so that if one thing has 
two names, you make exactly the same assertion whichever 
of the two names you use, provided they are really names 
and not truncated descriptions. 

So there are only two alternatives. If "c" is a name, 
the proposition "Scott is c" is either false or tautologous. 
But the proposition "Scott is the author of Waverley" is 
neither, and therefore is not the same as any proposition 
of the form "Scott is c" where "c" is a name. That is 
another way of illustrating the fact that a description is 
quite a different thing from a name. 

I should like to make clear what I was saying just now, 
that if you substitute another name in place of "Scott" 
which is also a name of the same individual, say, "Scott 
is Sir Walter," then "Scott" and "Sir Walter" are being 
used as names and not as descriptions, your proposition is 
strictly a tautology. If one asserts "Scott is Sir Walter," 
the way one would mean it would be that one was using the 
names as descriptions. One would mean that the person 
called "Scott" is the person called "Sir Walter," and "the 
person called 'Scott' " is a description, and so is "the per- 
son called 'Sir Walter.' " So that would not be a tautol- 
ogy. It would mean that the person called "Scott" is 
identical with the person called "Sir Walter." But if you 
are using both as names, the matter is quite different. 
You must observe that the name does not occur in that 
which you assert when you use the name. The name is 


merely that which is a means of expressing what it is you 
are trying to assert, and when I say "Scott wrote Waver- 
ley," the name "Scott" does not occur in the thing I am 
asserting. The thing I am asserting is about the person, 
not about the name. So if I say "Scott is Sir Walter," 
using these two names as names, neither "Scott" nor "Sir 
Walter" occurs in what I am asserting, but only the person 
who has these names, and thus what I am asserting is a 
pure tautology. 

It is rather important to realize this about the two 
different uses of names or of any other symbols: the one 
when you are talking about the symbol and the other when 
you are using it as a symbol, as a means of talking about 
something else. Normally, if you talk about your dinner, 
you are not talking about the word "dinner" but about 
what you are going to eat, and that is a different thing 
altogether. The ordinary use of words is as a means of 
getting through to things, and when you are using words 
in that way the statement "Scott is Sir Walter" is a pure 
tautology, exactly on the same level as "Scott is Scott." 

That brings me back to the point that when you take 
"Scott is the author, of Waverley" and you substitute for 
"the author of Waverley" a name in the place of a descrip- 
tion, you get necessarily either a tautology or a falsehood — 
a tautology if you substitute "Scott" or some other name 
for the same person, and a falsehood if you substitute any- 
thing else. But the proposition itself is neither a tautology 
nor a falsehood, and that shows you that the proposition 
"Scott is the author of Waverley" is a different proposi- 
tion from any that can be obtained if you substitute a 
name in the place of "the author of Waverley." That 
conclusion is equally true of any other proposition in which 
the phrase "the author of Waverley" occurs. If you take 
any proposition in which that phrase occurs and substitute 
for that phrase a proper name, whether that name be 


"Scott" or any other, you will get a different proposition. 
Generally speaking, if the name that you substitute is 
"Scott," your proposition, if it was true before will remain 
true, and if it was false before will remain false. But it 
is a different proposition. It is not always true that it will 
remain true or false, as may be seen by the example: 
"George IV wished to know if Scott was the author of 
Waverley." It is not true that George IV wished to know 
if Scott was Scott. So it is even the case that the truth 
or the falsehood of a proposition is sometimes changed 
when you substitute a name of an object for a description 
of the same object. But in any case it is always a different 
proposition when you substitute a name for a description. 

Identity is a rather puzzling thing at first sight. When 
you say "Scott is the author of Waverley," you are half- 
tempted to think there are two people, one of whom is Scott 
and the other the author of Waverley, and they happen to 
be the same. That is obviously absurd, but that is the sort 
of way one is always tempted to deal with identity. 

When I say "Scott is the author of Waverley" and that 
"is" expresses identity, the reason that identity can be 
asserted there truly and without tautology is just the fact 
that the one is a name and the other a description. Or 
they might both be descriptions. If I say "The author 
of Waverley is the author of Marmion," that, of course, 
asserts identity between two descriptions. 

Now the next point that I want to make clear is that 
when a description (when I say "description" I mean, for 
the future, a definite description) occurs in a proposition, 
there is no constituent of that proposition corresponding 
to that description as a whole. In the true analysis of the 
proposition, the description is broken up and disappears. 
That is to say, when I say "Scott is the author of Waver- 
ley" it is a wrong analysis of that to suppose that you 
have there three constituents, "Scott," "is," and "the author 


of Waverley." That, of course, is the sort of way you 
might think of analyzing. You might admit that "the 
author of Waverley" was complex and could be further 
cut up, but you might think the proposition could be split 
into those three bits to begin with. That is an entire 
mistake. "The author of Waverley" is not a constituent 
of the proposition at all. There is no constituent really 
there corresponding to the descriptive phrase. I will try 
to prove that to you now. 

The first and most obvious reason is that you can have 
significant propositions denying the existence of "the so- 
and-so." "The unicorn does not exist." "The greatest 
finite number does not exist." Propositions of that sort 
are perfectly significant, are perfectly sober, true, decent 
propositions, and that could not possibly be the case if the 
unicorn were a constituent of the proposition, because 
plainly it could not be a constituent as long as there were 
not any unicorns. Because the constituents of proposi- 
tions, of course, are the same as the constituents of the 
corresponding facts, and since it is a fact that the unicorn 
does not exist, it is perfectly clear that the unicorn is not 
a constituent of that fact, because if there were any fact 
of which the unicorn was a constituent, there would be a 
unicorn, and it would not be true that it did not exist. That 
applies in this case of descriptions particularly. Now since 
it is possible for "the so-and-so" not to exist and yet for 
propositions in which "the so-and-so" occurs to be sig- 
nificant and even true, we must try to see what is meant 
by saying that the so-and-so does exist. 

The occurrence of tense in verbs is an exceedingly 
annoying vulgarity due to our preoccupation with practical 
affairs. It would be much more agreeable if they had no 
tense, as I believe is the case in Chinese, but I do not know 
Chinese. You ought to be able to say "Socrates exists in 
the past," "Socrates exists in the present" or "Socrates 


exists in the future," or simply "Socrates exists," without 
any implication of tense, but language does not allow that, 
unfortunately. Nevertheless, I am going to use language 
in this tenseless way: when I say "The so-and-so exists," 
I am not going to mean that it exists in the present or in 
the past or in the future, but simply that it exists, without 
implying anything involving tense. 

"The author of Waverley exists" : there are two things 
required for that. First of all, what is "the author of 
Waverley" ? It is the person who wrote Waverley, i. e., we 
are coming now to this, that you have a propositional 
function involved, viz., "x writes Waverley" and the author 
of Waverley is the person who writes Waverley, and in 
order that the person who writes Waverley may exist, it 
is necessary that this propositional function should have 
two properties: 

i. It must be true for at least one x. 

2. It must be true for at most one x. 

If nobody had ever written Waverley the author could not 
exist, and if two people had written it, the author could 
not exist. So that you want these two properties, the one 
that it is true for at least one x, and the other that it is 
true for at most one x, both of which are required for ex- 

The property of being true for at least one x is the one 
we dealt with last time: what I expressed by saying that 
the propositional function is possible. Then we come on 
to the second condition, that it is true for at most one x, 
and that you can express in this way: "If x and y wrote 
Waverley, then x is identical with y, whatever x and y 
may be." That says that at most one wrote it. It does 
not say that anybody wrote Waverley at all, because if 
nobody had written it, that statement would still be true. 
It only says that at most one person wrote it. 


The first of these conditions for existence fails in the 
case of the unicorn, and the second in the case of the in- 
habitant of London. 

We can put these two conditions together and get a 
portmanteau expression including the meaning of both. 
You can reduce them both down to this, that: "('x wrote 
Waverley' is equivalent to 'x is c' whatever x may be) is 
possible in respect of c." That is as simple, I think, as you. 
can make the statement. 

You see that means to say that there is some entity c, 
we may not know what it is, which is such that when x 
is c, it is true that x wrote Waverley, and when x is not c, 
it is not true that x wrote Waverley, which amounts to 
saying that c is the only person who wrote Waverley ; and 
I say there is a value of c which makes that true. So 
that this whole expression, which is a propositional func- 
tion about c, is possible in respect of c (in the sense ex- 
plained last time). 

That is what I mean when I say that the author of 
Waverley exists. When I say "the author of Waverley 
exists," I mean that there is an entity c such that "x wrote 
Waverley" is true when x is c, and is false when x is not c. 
"The author of Waverley" as a constituent has quite dis- 
appeared there, so that when I say "The author of Waver- 
ley exists" I am not saying anything about the author of 
Waverley. You have instead this elaborate to-do with 
propositional functions, and "the author of Waverley" has 
disappeared. That is why it is possible to say significantly 
"The author of Waverley did not exist." It would not be 
possible if "the author of Waverley" were a constituent 
of propositions in whose verbal expression this descriptive 
phrase occurs. 

The fact that you can discuss the proposition "God 
exists" is a proof that "God," as used in that proposition, 


is a description and not a name. If "God" were a name, 
no question as to existence could arise. 

I have now defined what I mean by saying that a thing 
described exists. I have still to explain what I mean by 
saying that a thing described has a certain property. Sup- 
posing you want to say "The author of Waverley was 
human," that will be represented thus: "('x wrote Waver- 
ley' is equivalent to 'x is c' whatever x may be, and c is 
human) is possible with respect to c." 

You will observe that what we gave before as the 
meaning of "The author of Waverley exists" is part of 
this proposition. It is part of any proposition in which 
"the author of Waverley" has what I call a "primary oc- 
currence." When I speak of a "primary occurrence I 
mean that you are not having a proposition about the 
author of Waverley occurring as a part of some larger 
proposition, such as "I believe that the author of Waverley 
was human" or "I believe that the author of Waverley 
exists." When it is a primary occurrence, i. e., when 
the proposition concerning it is not just part of a larger 
proposition, the phrase which we defined as the meaning 
of "The author of Waverley exists" will be part of that 
proposition. If I say the author of Waverley was human, 
or a poet, or a Scotsman, or whatever I say about the 
author of Waverley in the way of a primary occurrence, 
always this statement of his existence is part of the propo- 
sition. In that sense all these propositions that I make 
about the author of Waverley imply that the author of 
Waverley exists. So that any statement in which a de- 
scription has a primary occurrence implies that the object 
described exists. If I say "The present King of France 
is bald," that implies that the present King of France 
exists. If I say, "The present King of France has a fine 
head of hair," that also implies that the present King of 
France exists. Therefore unless you understand how a 


proposition containing a description is to be denied, you 
will come to the conclusion that it is not true either that the 
present King of France is bald or that he is not bald, 
because if you were to enumerate all the things that are 
bald you would not find him there, and if you were to 
enumerate all the things that are not bald, you would not 
find him there either. The only suggestion I have found 
for dealing with that on conventional lines is to suppose 
that he wears a wig. You can only avoid the hypothesis 
that he wears a wig by observing that the denial of the 
proposition "The present King of France is bald" will not 
be "The present King of France is not bald," if you mean 
by that "There is such a person as the King of France and 
that person is not bald." The reason of this is that when 
you state that the present King of France is bald you say 
"There is a c such that c is now King of France and c is 
bald" and the denial is not "There is a c such that c is 
now King of France and c is not bald." It is more com- 
plicated. It is : "Either there is not a c such that c is now 
King of France, or, if there is such a c, then c is not bald." 
Therefore you see that, if you want to deny the proposition 
"The present King of France is bald," you can do it by 
denying that he exists, instead of by denying that he is 
bald. In order to deny this statement that the present 
King of France is bald, which is a statement consisting 
of two parts, you can proceed by denying either part. 
You can deny the one part, which would lead you to sup- 
pose that the present King of France exists but is not bald, 
or the other part, which will lead you to the denial that the 
present King of France exists; and either of those two 
denials will lead you to the falsehood of the proposition 
"The present King of France is bald." When you say 
"Scott is human" there is no possibility of a double denial. 
The only way you can deny "Scott is human" is by saying 


"Scott is not human." But where a descriptive phrase 
occurs, you do have the double possibility of denial. 

It is of the utmost importance to realize that "the so- 
and-so" does not occur in the analysis of propositions in 
whose verbal expression it occurs, that when I say "The 
author of Waverley is human," "the author of Waverley" 
is not the subject of that proposition, in the sort of way 
that Scott would be if I said "Scott is human," using "Scott" 
as a name. I cannot emphasize sufficiently how important 
this point is, and how much error you get into metaphysics 
if you do not realize that when I say "The author of 
Waverley is human" that is not a proposition of the same 
form as "Scott is human." It does not contain a con- 
stituent "the author of Waverley." The importance of 
that is very great for many reasons, and one of them is 
this question of existence. As I pointed out to you last 
time, there is a vast amount of philosophy that rests upon 
the notion that existence is, so to speak, a property that 
you can attribute to things, and that the things that exist 
have the property of existence and the things that do not 
exist do not. That is rubbish, whether you take kinds of 
things, or individual things described. When I say, e. g., 
"Homer existed," I am meaning by "Homer" some de- 
scription, say "the author of the Homeric poems," and I 
am asserting that those poems were written by one man, 
which is a very doubtful proposition ; but if you could get 
hold of the actual person who did actually write those 
poems (supposing there was such a person), to say of him 
that he existed would be uttering nonsense, not a falsehood 
but nonsense, because it is only of persons described that it 
can be significantly said that they exist. Last time I pointed 
out the fallacy in saying "Men exist, Socrates is a man, there- 
fore Socrates exists." When I say "Homer exists, this is 
Homer, therefore this exists," that is a fallacy of the same 
sort. It is an entire mistake to argue: "This is the author 


of the Homeric poems and the author of the Homeric 
poems exists, therefore this exists." It is only where a 
propositional function comes in that existence may be sig- 
nificantly asserted. You can assert "The so-and-so exists," 
meaning that there is just one c which has those properties, 
but when you get hold of a c that has them, you cannot 
say of this c that it exists, because that is nonsense: it is 
not false, but it has no meaning at all. 

So the individuals that there are in the world do not 
exist, or rather it is nonsense to say that they exist and 
nonsense to say that they do not exist. It is not a thing 
you can say when you have named them, but only when you 
have described them. When you say "Homer exists," you 
mean "Homer" is a description which applies to something. 
A description when it is fully stated is always of the form 
"the so-and-so." 

The sort of things that are like these descriptions in 
that they occur in words in a proposition, but are not in 
actual fact constituents of the proposition rightly analyzed, 
things of that sort I call "incomplete symbols." There are 
a great many sorts of incomplete symbols in logic, and they 
are sources of a great deal of confusion and false philos- 
ophy, because people get misled by grammar. You think 
that the proposition "Scott is mortal" and the proposition 
"The author of Waverley is mortal" are of the same form. 
You think that they are both simple propositions attributing 
a predicate to a subject. That is an entire delusion: one 
of them is (or rather might be) and one of them is not. 
These things, like "the author of Waverley," which I call 
incomplete symbols, are things that have absolutely no 
meaning whatsoever in isolation but merely acquire a mean- 
ing in a context. "Scott" taken as a name has a meaning 
all by itself. It stands for a certain person, and there it is. 
But "the author of Waverley" is not a name, and does not 
all by itself mean anything at all, because when it is rightly 


used in propositions, those propositions do not contain any 
constituent corresponding to it. 

There are a great many other sorts of incomplete sym- 
bols besides descriptions. These are classes, which I shall 
speak of next time, and relations taken in extension, and 
so on. Such aggregations of symbols are really the same 
thing as what I call "logical fictions," and they embrace 
practically all the familiar objects of daily life: tables, 
chairs, Piccadilly, Socrates, and so on. Most of them are 
either classes, or series, or series of classes. In any case 
they are all incomplete symbols, i. e, they are aggregations 
that only have a meaning in use and do not have any 
meaning in themselves. 

It is important, if you want to understand the analysis 
of the world, or the analysis of facts, or if you want to 
have any idea what there really is in the world, to realize 
how much of what there is in phraseology is of the nature 
of incomplete symbols. You can see that very easily in the 
case of "the author of Waverley" because "the author of 
Waverley" does not stand simply for Scott, nor for any- 
thing else. If it stood for Scott, "Scott is the author of 
Waverley" would be the same proposition as "Scott is 
Scott," which it is not, since George IV wished to know 
the truth of the one and did not wish to know the truth 
of the other. If "the author of Waverley" stood for any- 
thing other than Scott, "Scott is the author of Waverley" 
would be false, which it is not. Hence you have to conclude 
that "the author of Waverley" does not, in isolation, really 
stand for anything at all; and that is the characteristic of 
incomplete symbols. 

[to be concluded.] 

Bertrand Russell. 
London, England.